Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hasil kraf ku....Bisnes....


It's been soooo long...i didn't update my blog...
Diz time i juz want to share what i have been doing at home...

Recently, it juz came to my mind to make all diz cutey things...
plus i can sew...
so, i made up my mind to buy all the tools, cloths, buttons and etc...

All the pictures below are my product...=D

Many of my friends are ordering from me...
thus, i decided to start a business...
now, i have a list of pending order, need to finish all of them as soon as possible..
although it cause me a back pain but i still enjoy...

hehehe...anyone want to buy??
juz msg me...=D

Thursday, March 10, 2011



Previous entries, i have mentioned that i'm not really into korean drama...
but now i'm really addicted with korean variety show..

It all started during final year at unimap..
su and mas introduced me to this kind of variety show...
i always hear them laughing really loud when i enter their room...haha
They were watching FAMILY OUTING (FO)...
I'm so curious n start to watch the show.. i'm like them..really addicted to family outing...
i've collected most of the episodes in FO...
it is really interesting and very funny...
But FO season 1 completed and stop at episode 85...
replaced by FO season 2...which is the members also replaced...
that is why i'm not interested anymore...x best sgt!!!!

Then, recently i've found new variety show called RUNNING MAN (RM)...
i tried to watch the first episode.....hahahahaha it is funny..
plus the MC's for running man is the same with Family Outing season 1..
Yoo Jae Suk...Hwaiting!!!!!

In both show, i've taken a like with 1 of the member...
Kim Jong Kook...auwwwww, i really like him.....
He's cute, got a muscle, sweet voice..kinda romantic but sometimes fierce...
hahaha..he's my 2nd boyfriend....imported by Korea...

For those who read my entry...
try to watch both of the show...
seriously i give 5 star....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian...


Sejak ku memulakan kehidupan ku sebagai student master...
perkara yang sering muncul dlm otak ini adlh...
bagaimana nak cari duit???

For those who noticed, yuran setiap sem untuk pelajar master di um
adlh tinggi...purata rm5k per semester...
ak cume bekerja sebagai assistant yg brgaji sedikit...
cukup la sekadar untuk menampung duit perbelanjaan harian...
tp untuk yuran???

ketika pendaftaran, ku telah di bantu oleh ibu ku...
die yang membayar yuran sem 1 ku...
untuk sem 2, half duit ku (hasil elaun buat buku + gaji) serta half duit ibu ku..

Akhirnya, tidak ku tertahan...
ku berniat untuk membuat pinjaman PTPTN...
maka bertambah la hutang ku jika di hitungkn sekali dgn pinjaman ketika ku amik ijazah dlu..

Application process takes about 1 month...
ak telah berjaya mendapat tawaran pinjaman PTPTN..
maka, telah ku uruskan dokumen2 berkaitan..
namun setelah sbulan tidak ku dgr kabar...
brita buruk yg ku dgr apabila mendapat panggilan dr pegawai ptptn..
application ku tidak valid akibat trsalah isi ketika apply online...

Dgn redha nye, ku cuba sekali lagi, walopn hati ini trlalu sakit...
aku dikehendaki untuk membuat application dr mula...
ak sanggup asalkn dpt pinjaman...

ujian ini amatlah menguji kesabaran ku..
tapi....Alhamdulillah...tidak ku sangka2...
Dlm tempoh sminggu ini..
ku telah menerima surat tawaran biasiswa dr Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi..
gembira hingga tidak terkata aku...
Susah payah ku telah di balas dgn kesenangan serta kesyukuran..

maka, ku telah buat kputusan untuk terima tawaran ini...
dan akan tolak tawaran pinjaman dr ptptn...
Rezeki berada di depan mata, tidak akn sesekali ku lepaskan...
sekarang, ku sedang menyediakan dokumen2 perjanjian biasiswa tersebut...
ku berharap agar segalanya berjalan lancar...

tidak ku rela lagi untuk menerima ujian seterusnye...
Ya Allah, lancarkan lah segala perkara yang ak lakukan..

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hantu Anime...


Ok...sesape yg mengenali aku mmg dh leh agakkn...
ak ni mmg kaki tgk anime n bce manga...
x mcm orng len, sumenye giler tgk drama korea...
i'm not really into korean drama...
tgk mmg la tgk, tp x gemar sgt...

kalo orng len tgk drama korea smpe kul 4-5 pagi...
macam tu jugak la aku...tgk anime smpe x igt nk tdo...

siap ak ad bekas cd brbentuk burger lg tuu..
dlm burger tu sumenye cd cite2 anime...
of coz la i download, tarak duit nk bli dvd original..

recently, adik aku ajak tgk cite 'one piece'...

Main cite of diz anime is about pirates..
cite die sgt2 lawak, kdng2 sedih sgt smpe ak nangis2 tgk..n adventure..
tp xleh blah ar...skang ni dh 400 episode ak tgk...
tp still panjang perjalanan cite niii...kt tenet bru je smpe 486 episode..
still tgh tunggu diorng upload yg bru...
amacam, power tk aku? 400 EPISODE TUU!!!

okla2, that's all for now...
sesape yg membce entry ini...
sila brsabar ek ngn aku...dh 2 entry cite psl anime..haha
saja nk mnambah entry kt blog ak nii..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm getting crazy for waiting...SKIP BEAT..


Serius xleh dok diam
Coz i'm really addicted to diz anime 'Skip Beat'
Alwayz updating the manga release..
already seen the anime..but until now still no news for season 2..

It's really mencabar kesabaran aku...
dhla manga update sbulan skali, 1-2 episode je lak tuu...
but i really like this anime sbb ada genre lawak n romance..

Kyoko dan Sho ni kwn baik sejak kecik, plus kyoko minat giler kt time highschool sho cdng nk gi tokyo n ceburi bidang nyanyian, so die ajak kyoko skali...kirenye trus brenti skolah arr..
After sho dh mula terkenal dlm showbiz, die dh jarang contact kyoko n biarkn kyoko brsendirian terkontang-kanting cari keje kt tokyo...
Then, one day...akhirnye, kyoko bru sedar yg die telah ditipu oleh sho, sho cme anggap die mcm maid jee...dgn hati yg geram n penuh ngn dendam, kyoko berjanji die akn bls dendam trhadap jadi la enemy...

After pertukaran image drastik kyoko, die telah ceburi juga dlm showbiz, tp bidang lakonan..
dgn niat di hati nk menjatuhkn sho..

time tu la die brkenalan ngn Ren..
Ren bnyk menyedarkn die, bhawa jgn jadikn lakonan sebagai jalan utk bls dendam, perlu la ad minat n talent...
Journey kyoko dipenuhi cabaran n dugaan..akhirnya berjaya juga tangani niat bls dendam tu..

Sbenarnye, Ren sedar die penah brjmpe kyoko time kyoko kecik2 lg..
tp ren perasan kyoko dh bnyk brubah...
lame-kelamaan, ren jatuh hati ngn kyoko, cme xnk luahkan..

Sho pn dh mula sedar ttg kewujudan kyoko dlm showbiz..
n mula sedar, die xleh kuarkn kyoko dr hidup die..
Ren terasa terancam apabila sho mula mndekati kyoko semula...

so, apakah ending utk cite ni???
hati nad pn ngh dup dap2 niii...
neway, i really love this story...
Love Kyoko & Ren!!!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Assignment ohh Assignment...


What the???
Helo miss Nanad, what do u think u r doing??
u r suppose to do ur Telemedicine's assignment...
not playing with facebook and write an entry here...haihhh..

Answer to myself:
But...but...i'm getting bored by reading all the journals...(only slightly read the intros..)
with many paragraphs, small font, many pages...
they r really give me a headache...

Ohhh...come on, u r only making excuses..
better start now rather than doing it last minute...
diz saturday u need to submit this assignment plus got a presentation...

ok2 done with it...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Find it at last!!!


Ok..first thing, what is your expression when u see the pictures below??
cute?? colorful?? but what is it?? (for those yang masih x kenal lg ar mknn ni.)

ehem2...diz is the introduction taken from wikipedia, memandangkn ak x reti nk describe pasal bende alah nii...

A macaron/macaroon is a sweet confectionery made with egg whites, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond powder or ground almond, and food coloring. The macaron is commonly filled with buttercream or jam filling sandwiched between two cookies. - wikipedia-

What does it mean with my entry title?
well, actually after i read from my friend's blog about macaroons..
i try to search it in KL since she found it in Indonesia..
However, it is not easy to find it in a normal bakery..
Usually they served it in hotels or in French bakery..

I've been informed that there's one bakery near KLCC that have these macaroons..
the macaroons look cute n yummy but costly about rm 2.80 per piece.. is expensive..

Macaroons at Ayu's engagement... last i finally found them during Ayu's engagement...
sudden encounter and can eat them for free...thanx to Ayu's uncle..haha

Ok..about the taste...hmmm
after the first bite, i said to myself..
if i continue eating 2-3 pieces, confirm i will get penyakit KENCING MANIS..
so damn sweet until i need to drink plain water..
so i just taste only one n it's enough for me..

Neway, i will try to search the bakery n buy a few flavors..
but believe me, i only can eat that thing 1 or 2 pieces per day..hahaha=D
if not, surely i will get a headache cause of its incredible sweetness...

Saturday, February 5, 2011



Setiap insan pasti akan mempunyai cita-cita ketika masih kanak-kanak..
Jika di tanya, apabila sudah besar, hendak jadi apa??
Jawapan yang sering didengari adalah Doktor, Jurutera, Pilot & Guru..
Haha sungguh besar cita-cita serta impian seorang kanak-kanak..
Namun, realiti nya ia tidak semudah itu untuk dicapai..
Setakat angan-angan Mat Jenin tanpa usaha yang gigih..
Impian hanyalah tetap impian tanpa menjadi kenyataan..
Hanya segilintir sahaja yang berjaya dicapai..

Ku ingat lagi cita-cita aku dahulu..
" Saya nak jadi doktor bila dah besar nanti.."
Geli hati ku bila diingat semula kenangan ku ketika masih kecil..
Ohh..sungguh naif nya aku..

Namun, telah banyak perkara yang aku lalui..
Kemana arah tuju ku??
Kerjaya yang ku idamkan tidak dapat dicapai..
akibat sikap ku dan kelalaian ku..
Serta takdir yang Allah telah tetapkn untuk diriku..

Kadang-kala aku akan terasa sesat di tengah-tengah perjalanan hidup ku..
aku jadi keliru dan tidak boleh membuat keputusan..
Maka, aku hanya boleh berdoa agar mendapat petunjuk dari Allah..
Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan kepada hambamu..
Permudahkanlah segala perkara yang hambumu lakukan..

Tapi ini tidak bermakna aku akan berhenti bermimpi..
Impian aku tidak akan sesekali lupus..
cuma ditukar kepada impian yang lain..
Impian adalah sangat penting dalam hidup kita..
Impian yang mendorong kita menuju ke hadapan..

Maka, aku akan mara ke hadapan tanpa rasa menyesal..
Dengan ada nya sokongan dari kedua ibubapa, adik serta rakan-rakan..
Insya-Allah, aku boleh laluinya..

Wednesday, January 19, 2011!!!


Seperti yg korng suma tahu, skang ni kn ak student master...
but utk mengisi masa lapang n mengisi duit poket ak nii..
so i decided to get a part-time job...

ak keje kt Kumon Learning Centre..
asalnye company ni dr Jepun...
nk ajar n latih anak2 kecik blaja dgn pantas..
Kumon focus more to Math n English..

tugas ak sbagai assistant instructor..
pling senang keje n basic adlh marking homework student..
keje mmg non-stop from 5pm until 10pm..sbb student math pling rmai..
kalo worksheet x abih marking, penah skali sume staff stay smpe kul 11.30pm...cbe bayangkn..adeii, bos awl2 lg dh blik..

Meh ak snaraikn tugas2 yg ak dh penah buat sepanjang 5 bulan ak keje:

1. Macam yg ak ckp kt ats td, kene marking homework student..

2. Marking classwork student on the spot, mmg tgn kene laju mark sbb student blambak..
serius bnyk plus ngn correction lg...bertimbun worksheet kt dlm tray..smpe nek lenguh tgn nii..

3. Buat reciting utk student yg hafal multiplication..kalo still x hafal or slow, kne suro student uat lg skali for the next class..

4. Pick-up worksheet for the next class...ermm, cmne nk terang ek...kire mcm kite sediakn keje umh utk student2 ni arr..amik je worksheet ikot level student..

haahh, ckp psl level bnyk level...
from 7A (kindergarden) to W (STPM), tp kt kumon kajang ni student bru stakat level L (secondary school)

5. Jd penyambut tetamu kt kaunter luar...haha, tugas ni kne pndai2 communicate ngn parents..pstu ajr student cmne nk uruskan folder diorng n pstikn diorng susun beg elok2..

6. Homework pack...kalo student x dtg klas, ni tugas staf kne pack kn homework diorng dlm envelope, pstu kol parents mntk dtg amik kt pigeon- hole..

7. Instruct student level 6A ke 3A (bdk umor 5 thun / tadika)..dh mcm cikgu tadika dh ak nii..
kene ajar diorng cmne nk uat classwork..keje yg perlu bnyk kesabaran n kelembutan...haha=)

8. Instruct student yg bnyk giler correction, slalunye level B, C n D..ak instruct kirenye area penambahan, penolakan, darab, bahagi n jela stakat yg ak layak nk ajar..bak kate bos ak arr.. (ohh..luper lak, ak jd assistant kt bhagian Math, kdng2 je ak mark worksheet english)

9. Buat check-in & check-out student...check-in senang..check-out agak kelam kabut sbb kdng2 student rmai beratur nk cepat balik...adeii...pening2..

Amcm??? bnyk kn tugas yg ak kne tau kt kumon sume tugas ni uat bergilir2 ar...slalunye sbulan skali tukar shift..

keje mmg xleh uat sambil lewa, kalo ad silap, parents akn complain kt bos, bos akn meleter kt staf2..
ak penah kene sound 2-3 kali gak kdng2 bkn salah ak pn...ttbe je bos ak nek sore..buat ak nek angin jee..nsib ar, nk uat cmne dpt bos cina..keje kne cepat n efficient..hmmm

ape2 pn, ak enjoy keje kt kumon ar, rse bangga kot, student pnggil ak "Teacher"..
pstu get along ngn student2, diorng suka kt ak sbb ak sporting n x garang..
elehh, cbe uat hal depan ak, mmg ak akn jadi garang mcm bos ak..muahaha=D

Tu la experience ak stakat ni...nk cite bnde2 len, mls sbb uat sakit hati je kalo cite..
ala bese la, dh nme pn keje...mne ad keje asyik happy jeee...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Birthday presents..=)


From the previous entry, i've mentioned that i received birthday presents from
both my dad n my beloved..

Ok, both things below are my birthday presents:

Nokia C3
from my lovely dad..

CSL Blueberry
from my beloved..

honestly i said, this is a very shocking for me at first..
yola, i didn't expect to receive 2 handphones maaa..
it is true that i really need to replace my old handphone..
sudah gile2 already..haha

I really want to thank u to both of them for giving me these valuable presents..
n i really love both of them...
"Thanks Abah..Thanks Abang..!!"

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Semester 2...Ganbatte!!


Cepat btul masa berlalu, rsenye ak bru je stat master...
but face the fact, i've already started semester 2...
Alhamdulillah, ak berjaya juga mengharungi dugaan sem 1
kini giliran sem 2 pula utk menguji ak..

Utk sem 2 ni, all the subjects i've taken are elective..
I've taken:

i've also need to find literature review or journals for my project diz semester..
my field still in biomechanic,
but dont know whether want to continue doing title using finite element..
or want to choose other project title..

hihi...dlu kt unimap, supervisor ak adlh En. Yusof..
skang sv ak, bekas lecturer En.Yusof lak...Prof Noor Azuan..muahaha=D

Jadual waktu kelas aku:

8am - 12pm = Rehab Engineering
2pm - 6pm = Telemedicine

9am - 1pm = Tissue Mechanic
2pm - 6pm = Signal & Image Processing

pack kn jadual ak utk sbtu n ahd??
langsung xleh nk uat aktiviti ngn famili time siang..
pstu 1 klas 4 jam, x rse cam mlampau ke??
jenuh la otak kalo cmtu...nsib bek lecturer baik ati..
bagi break 15 mnt, pstu kdng2 abih klas awl..

Tp..ape2 pn dugaan yg ak akn alami sem 2 ni..
ak akn tabahkn diri n perbaiki diri sendiri..
jgn men2 dh sbb ni level master...
need to depend pd diri sndri jee..

Insyallah ak boleh..
dgn ada nye support dr parents, adik ak, my beloved n rakan2 yg ak sayangi..hihi=D
Gud luck to me!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Days out with cousins..

As yana came to kajang from Tanjung Malim..
me n fiza decided to go out..
Both fiza n yana juz recently got over SPM exam..
Time to relax n enjoy...=)

Our Destination was Mid Valley...still in the mood of Christmas..
thus the decoration at the centre court still full with huge teddy bears n toys..

The largest teddy bear!!!

Seems that my bear2 at home still can't compete with diz one..

Love the stage decorations...full of huge toys..

Me n yana..
almost every part of the centre court was full with huge teddy bears...
Are they for sale??? hahaha...
(ad hati nk bli lg ke? abih tu..bear2 besar kt umh tu nk letak mne pulak??) kui3

posing at The Gardens...
jenguk2 jela, nk msuk kedai2...
rse rendah diri pulak...

After penat posing, need to feed our stomach..
yeayy...sushi king...i love sushi so much... many plate??
hahaha...blasah je, janji kenyang...

Actually our main goal is to find a bakery named Bakerzin..
Diz shop got a thing that we've been looking for...

its a type of mini biscuit, with many kind of colors n flavors..
is hard to find in malaysia actually...
unfortunately, we failed to find the bakery...

Even we go to KLCC, the bakery was not there anymore..
kinda disappointed, but we will try to look again..
plus, we were having so much fun together...

A journey back to thousand years ago..

Assalamualaikum guys n gurls...
now we will go back to a world that there r no living humans
except DINASOURS...

Did u recognize our famous 'best friend' here?? is a T-Rex..(don't know how to spell it's full name)

Diz one my feveret dino, branchiosaurus (long neck)
it is herbivorous..only eat leaves..

Juz a skeleton dino..

While getting snap here, suddenly the head of that dino moved..
i was kinda shocked actually...

My beloved ask me " Dok dekat2 ngn dino, x tkut kene mkn ke?"
hahaha, yahh how come that thing can really kill me n eat me..
It's juz a figure that can move anyway...

Ok, i really ignored the warning sign & juz having fun touching diz cutie t-rex..=D

T-rex was eating other moves really..
can see the meat come in n out from it's mouth..

I'm a champion, can caught a Raptor...the vicious dino ever.. is also a carnivorous...

That's all people..
if u really wanna to see the real act of dinasours..
Watch Jurassic Park movie..there are 3 movies..

Actually, diz Dino Alive Exhibition was held at Pusat Sains Negara...
from Dec 2010 until May 2011...

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Assalamualaikum suma...
sori sgt2 sbb dh berzaman ak x update blog...
maklumla bnyk bnde nk cite tp jari ni mls nk taip...

Bberapa perkara ingin ku update la sejak berkurun lame nye...

1. Ak dh msuk semester 2 utk Master Biomedical Eng in UM.

2. Alhamdulillah ak lulus suma subjek utk sem 1.

3. Ak skang keje as Part-Time Assistant kt Kumon Learning Centre.
(hehe..jadi cikgu math...ajr bdk2 primary school)

4. Sempena birthday ak bln 12 thun lepas, ak dpt 2 hadiah henset
CSL Blueberry from my beloved & Nokia C3 from my dad..luv both of them..

5. Hutang ak mkin bertambah ngn PTPTN sbb mohon lg pinjaman utk byr yuran Master.

tu jela kot perkara2 yg bleh di highlight kn...yg len2 bese je..
ape2 pn, i will try to update more..
oppss, need to stop for a moment..
gotta cook lunch for my mum...