Friday, June 18, 2010


There are couple of things that i'm worrying right now...

1. Weight increase???

Aduiii...why always like diz?? whenever, i've loose some weight, it will increase i wanna control my appetite...i like to eat so, whenever i was tension, i will eat...
where's my motivation?? waaaa....

2. Final exam for to-pup course...

1 week more to go b4 sitting for the final exam...even though only 3 papers, but to learn n study within 1 month, how i wanna catch up all the syllables, plus i juz got back from redang island...i have been absent for only 3 days...but bout 3-4 chapters that i have miss per subject...
hmmm...i dont know whether i can score all 3 papers or not...juz tawakkal jela...

3. Postgraduate (Master)

Alhamdulillah...i've received an offer letter from Universiti Malaya...ive succesfully get into UM & study as master student in Biomedical Engineering at UM...i only take the coursework program...however, the fees that i'm worrying about...its too expensive!!! Juz 3 semesters..but the fees for Biomed Eng. is over RM 18 000...

4. Biasiswa SLAB

To pay for the fees...i need to apply for scholarship...however, most of the companies or organizations only offer the scholarship for those who take master by research..the only scholarship that i hope for is SLAB..i wanna apply for SLAB unimap...however, i've been inform that i need to take the IELTS or TOEFL exam then.. i can apply...if i succeed, i will get the allowance 3-4 months after the application...IF I SUCCEED...huhuhu

Thus, i need to apply SLAB from another stressful..

5. The option that i choose..

For the past few months, there r many opinions either from my frends, lecturers & my parents...about my future after i graduate...whether i look for a job or further my study...thus, i have chose da 2nd option...but there r 2 options for master..whether by coursework or research...if coursework, the duration is short while research is depend on how u develop your project...thus, i choose i'm confuse, did i do the right choice??

I really dont parents suddenly ask me to take a job or try to do research...n there's 1 thing i terkilan, is that, my mom said to me, "dira x penah nk usaha...dira ni pemalas..."

How can she say that??? If i really pemalas, then i will never reach diz far... i know myself better, coz for me, i'm not good in can people trying to lead my life...if i do something that i'm not good at.. juz to satisfy other people's need...

The point is...i'm confuse!!!! But right now, i juz do what i wanna long as it is halal..haha
wherever i go, insyallah ada rezeki, dapat ar....juz tawakkal kepada Allah s.w.t....

There's more that i'm worrying bnde kecik malas nk pikir...=P

Friday, June 4, 2010


It's almost a week i have stayed in Kg Wai..
Cuaca die...perghh,panas dohhh berbanding wang ulu...
baring kejap je dh berpeluh..
peluh + bju busuk + kne bsuh slalu...
nk kate ad ujan...tgk gaya mcm nk tak nk jeee...
bak kate pepatah...'pour n go'...haha=)

tgk la gmbr kt ats tu...
hahhh, mcm tu la ak rse skng ni...
ujung minggu ni, bosan ya amat2...
dok melanguk kt depan laptop, xtau nk uat pe...
damn!!! is there anything fun to do??
I'm dying of getting bored here!!!

hahaha...comey tk polar bear tuuu? comey kn? comey?...
hihihi...x terkira dh bpe kali ak terlentang mcm tu...
perut die pn dh mcm perut ak dh...
ni malas punyer pasal...padahal dok pkir2 nk stdi..
tp x gerak2 lg...haish!!!
Apo la nak jadi ngn ko ni NADHIRAH MOHD KHAIDIR!!!

ahaksss!!! =P

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sesi topup course telah pn bermula...
schedule class telah pn di tetapkn utk 3 subjek..
n aktiviti ni akan berlarutan selama sbulan di Unimap...

8.00am - 10.00am
Electrical machines and drives (ENT 911)

10.30am - 12.30pm
Principles of communication systems (ENT 912)

4.00pm - 6.00pm
Engineering management and safety (EUT 913)

Class monday to friday...

1 Jun - 2 July = Lectures
5 July - 9 July = Exams

huuuuhhhhhh....everyday is the same routine exclude saturday & sunday..

But, stakat ni subjek electrical machines n drives, ak leh paham lg..
lecturer die best n straight-forward ajr...xyah pening2..hihi

utk subjek communication system...ermmm, so so je la...
nk try lecturernye mcm ckp ngn krusi jee
xde komunikasi ngn student sndri..aduhhh...

subjek eng. management...hahaha,kirim salam jela...
arini pn, ak ponteng klas ni..
mmg serius yg dok ajar tu,membebel je kt depan..

Sooo....gud luck jela utk ak ek..