10 oct 2009...bersamaan ngn hari sbtu...
ak bersama geng2 mekatronik uat BBQ kt BUKIT AYER,PERLIS...
walopun cuaca tidak mengizinkn (hujannnnn)...
namun kami tetap menjalankan aktiviti kami...
time : 10am-5pm
transport : 3 keta (2 kancil,1 iswara aeroback)
bil.orng : 13 orng (4 gurlz , 9 boyz)
TADAAAAA!!!! ni la aym bbq kami...
dgn jaya nyerrr kami bakar,walopun asyik ujan je..
(xpe...bakar bwh khemah pn..)
i'm one of the tukang jaga aym...
berpeluh + berminyak muka + berair mata(pedihhh)...
Perap aym : gne kuah perap satay (x silap ak laaa)
sbb rse mcm ngh mkn satay...sdap lak tu!!! nyum3!!!
7 ekor aym sume skali...bnyk glerrr...
however...mcm x caya jee..abih aym tu kitorng bedal....ahakz!!
kerang bakar...x sah kalo xde...mmg slalu msuk dlm menu diorng...
i'm not really into kerang...so kurang mkn ar...
Overall,menu of da day:
BIHUN GORENG (mmg x abih smpe ke sudah,bnyk sgt mak cik che min msak)
plus, mayonnaise and chilli sos
In the end, we all satisfied with our plan...kenyang dohh..
Time to get wet everyone!!!
hihihi...kami pilih location kt belah ats...
the water is not very clear (keruh), maklumla bru lepas ujannn...
but still enjoy mndi...pndai bdk2 laki ni cri location...
air die dalam...plus its cold!!!!
sooo...this is all of us...
with everyone's cooperate...we successfully do da BBQ activity...
thanx everyone...especially my bucuk, for inviting me...
eventhough, i'm very bz with all the homeworks..
well, sometimes bz2 pun...kne rilex gak...